For women

Are you looking for a space where you can celebrate your femininity in the company of like-minded women?

NI offer you a unique opportunity to join women's circles and weekend retreats
where we will discover the beauty of feminine strength and connection with nature together.

Join one of our events and ...

Experience the power and support of a women's community.
Celebrate your femininity and connect with natural cycles.
Find space for rest, renewal, and personal growth.
Explore a deeper connection with yourself.

And most importantly, find solidarity, closeness, understanding, and acceptance.

Weekend retreats for women

Retreats in the rhythm of the year

During the weekend retreats, which I organize four times a year (spring, summer, autumn, winter), you will be able to pause, connect with the natural rhythm of the year, and learn how its energy can support your personal and spiritual growth.

Each season brings a unique opportunity for reflection and celebration of the present moment.

The retreats are open to small groups of up to 12 women.

They are a journey to ourselves, leading us to celebrate the cycles that we and nature regularly go through.

What to expect

During the weekend retreats, you can look forward to sharing in a women's circle, rituals, meditation, movement, and time spent in nature.

You will find community and solitude, silence, and support.

Each retreat is different and is designed to support the energy of the respective season.

Journeying through the landscape and in a women's circle, you will find space for rest and revitalization, as well as for deep personal experiences and mutual support.

The coming retreats ...


Podzimní putování pro ženy v rytmu kola roku 2024

1.11. 2024 17:00 - 3.11. 2024Libošovice, Český ráj
Obraťte se hluboko do sebe, do svého nitra a nahlédněte…

Zimní putování pro ženy v rytmu kola roku 2025

31.1. 2025 17:00 - 2.2. 2025bude upřesněno
Potkejte se na cestě zimní přírodou se svou vizí pro…

Jarní putování pro ženy v rytmu kola roku 2025

25.4. 2025 17:00 - 27.4. 2025bude upřesněno
Duben je ideálním obdobím pro naladění se na jaro a to nové v nás.V…

Letní putování pro ženy v rytmu kola roku 2025

18.7. 2025 17:00 - 20.7. 2025bude upřesněno
Prožijte magické období horkých letních dnů ve společnosti podobně naladěných…

Přihlašování na jednotlivé putování je spouštěno postupně.
Víte-li už teď, že se chcete účastnit putování,
na které zatím není možné se přihlásit, napište mi.

Women's circles

Women's circles are a safe space where you can share, learn, and grow in the company of other women.

The meetings are designed to strengthen your connection to your intuition, self-awareness, and support you on your personal journey.

You will find inspiration and support for your everyday life.

The women circles have not yet been opened this year.

If you are a group of women who is looking for a facilitator, let me know. I am happy to be your guide.

Women's circles in Prague

I invite you to regular meetings at the Rovnováha Studio in Žižkov

In 2024, we will meet on the following dates at Rovnováha Studio, from 18:00 to 21:00.

There are no circles in the summer; dates from September will be published in August.

Potkáme se v ženském kruhu nebo u jiné akce? 

Užívám si léto.

Udělejte to stejně.

Termíny akcí budou zveřejněny koncem srpna.

V této kategorii nebyly nalezeny žádné akce.

Kolik stojí ženské kruhy

Ženské kruhy stojí 450 Kč za jedno setkání. 

What participants have said about women's circles

I have experienced two weekend journeys with Petra, both were amazing. I experienced closeness, depth, sharing, sisterhood, and beautiful nature. Petra is a very inspiring woman. I love attending her retreats.
Simona Munzarová Specialist for nonprofit organizations at Česká Spořitelna
Journeying with Petra gave me the opportunity to relax and pause, to reflect on what I am dealing with in life right now.
Šárka CihlářováPatch manager, IBM
Petra is simply a wonderful being, she has a lot of inner strength, humility, calmness, and wisdom. I was part of her online women's group and I am very much looking forward to every next opportunity in person. Thank you so much for everything and I recommend it to all women who need to draw strength and inspiration for life, for change, for joy, for themselves.
Kateřina DočkalováHR business partner
I am delighted to have discovered Petra's talks about women's circles. At the beginning of listening, I feel like the one Petra takes by the hand and gently pulls back the curtain into a room full of women. She reveals it very gently and empathetically, letting me listen but also explaining what is happening inside. I can watch in awe, learn the principles, and feel a piece of the women's circle energy. The talks are an inspiration and encouragement for me.
Helena Hájková Virtual assistant
I participated in a journey with Petra. That one day filled me with peace. The daily rush was gone, and I was just there. The intention I set out with was fulfilled and other possibilities and insights opened up to me, which I am still processing. I am grateful to have been able to participate in the journey.
Kateřina NovákováOn maternity leave
I have experienced several women's circles with Petra. She guided us through a reflection on the past year using meditation and ritual. I felt like I belonged to the circle, I was truly heard, and I felt safe. It warmed my heart. I left with a feeling of calm and relaxation.
Veronika Heřmánkovástudent

Listen to inspiring talks about Women's circles

Listen to talks about women's circles with women who lead the circles or participate in them.
You can find all the talks about women's circles in the playlist on my YouTube channel.