
Are you seeking a new direction in your life? 
Do you need support in achieving personal and professional goals?

Coaching offers a space to discover your potential and find the path to fully utilize it.

Why choose coaching

Learn to overcome obstacles and handle challenges.
Gain clarity about your goals and the direction you want to take.
Improve your decision-making skills.
Discover and activate your inner resources and strengths.

Most importantly, find the balance you need in your life.

Unlike psychotherapy, which focuses on deep emotional and psychological causes of difficulties, coaching is oriented towards practical goal achievement and improving specific skills or aspects of life. As a coach, I will support you in identifying your goals, setting realistic plans, and developing the skills needed to achieve them.


Coaching is not limited by topic. Unlike therapy, coaching is primarily focused on the future and action. With my clients, we often address:

• Roles • Competencies • Values • Leadership • Workplace issues • Relationships with subordinates/superiors • Performance • Work-life balance • Time management • Preparation for presentations/meetings • Efficiency • Relationships • Stress • Fatigue • Decision-making ability • Actionability • Self-confidence • Imposter syndrome • Satisfaction • 

As a coach, I will be your companion on the journey to achieving your dreams and goals. Together, we will explore your desires, values, and what truly matters to you in life. Using coaching techniques and tools, I will help you identify and overcome obstacles that hinder your personal growth and success. You will gain new perspectives, practical tools, and understanding of the path to resolving what doesn’t fit in your life.

Where we can meet

Online coaching 

Sessions take place via Zoom or Google Meet.
All you need is a computer or mobile device. For some, it’s easier to stay in the comfort of their own home. In our first meeting, we’ll get to know each other, discuss your expectations, and determine the intensity of our future collaboration. From there, we’ll work on getting the most out of our sessions to help you achieve your goals.

Coaching face to face

We can meet in the office under Petřín tower
If you prefer face-to-face meetings, let’s arrange a session at my office in Holečkova street, Prague 5, where we’ll have privacy and calm. I will support you and help you gain perspective on your situation. As a coach, I will listen and ask many questions, guiding you on your path to change.

Coaching on the move 

Coaching on the move takes place in Prague and the surrounding area, with prior arrangement possible in the Central Bohemia region.
We’ll go out into nature, a park, or the city for a walk. Walking helps you relax and tune into yourself. You might be surprised how natural it feels and how well you can think while walking. I will support you on your journey, and the surrounding landscape will certainly aid us.

If you’re interested in coaching, write to me. I’ll issue an invoice before the session, payable before the consultation date.

Coaching process

  • In the initial session, we’ll determine your key goals and the areas you want to work on.
    Sessions usually take place online. If this format doesn’t suit you, email me and we’ll arrange a different format.
  • We’ll then work together on your development, overcoming challenges, and achieving your goals.
    We can combine meetings at Rovnováha, online, and outdoors, depending on what suits you best.
  • In the final session, we’ll evaluate your progress, key successes, and review the tools you have at your disposal even after coaching ends.

The entire process is built on open communication, trust, and mutual cooperation.

How many sessions are needed?

Everyone has a different pace. Therefore, I offer several types of packages. It’s up to you which one you choose.

One-time support - 1 hour 

One session is suitable for those who are almost clear. It helps in situations where you "don’t have time," want to confirm your decision, or gain a broader perspective.
1 850 CZK

Basic package – 3 hours 

Discounted package of 3 sessions. Ideal for those addressing smaller issues and wanting support and to kickstart changes.
4 800 CZK (1,600 CZK/hour)

In-depth package – 6 hours 

The most advantageous and intensive package of 6 sessions. Helps to understand what’s not working on a deeper level and find specific steps to resolve situations that no longer suit you.
8,400 CZK (1,400 CZK/hour)

Among the Top 15 coaches in Prague!

In 2023, I was named one of the top 15 coaches in Prague by the Canadian blog Influence digest +.

Feedback from clients

I found solutions to situations that had troubled me for a long time and also the desire to take action. I feel creative, full of ideas, and stronger.
Jana Závodníkovácoach
Coaching helped me in my leadership position. But most importantly, I discovered what I need to do for myself to be satisfied in life.
Jessica UlinHead of department, IF Sweden
I was able to reflect on my life and work from a different perspective, recognize my strengths, and build healthy self-confidence. I gained specific suggestions and tools that helped me deal with challenges and difficulties.
Markéta KljapováAnthropologist, UX researcher
Petra made me focus on the right things. Through her questions and guidance, I stepped out of my comfort zone and addressed the biggest personal challenges I was facing at the time. This helped me not only in my professional but also in my personal life.
Maria GronbergIT manager, IF Sweden
I perceive Petra as a very sensitive and empathetic person and I have great trust in her. With her, I allow myself to go deep during coaching and discover deeper connections and insights. I also appreciate her partnership and non-judgmental approach. She does not try to mentor or advise me but perceives and respects my life story.
Jana HomolováCoach, mentor, lecturer, Akademie Libchavy
Petra always manages to create a safe environment where it is easy to open up and go deep. I appreciate her patience and the space she gave me to clear my mind without rushing me. I have been meeting with Petra for 8 months, and we meet every month. During this time, I have made significant progress on the topic that has been occupying me. The action steps I take from each session make a big difference in my daily life.
Liis TsugartMarketing manager, Heraeus precious metals
Through coaching, I realized that I am fine just the way I am and that I don't need to stylize or change myself.
Chiara SimonováTeacher
I left each session with a smile on my face and a list of action steps. Through coaching, I found a clear direction.
Zuzana Mukumayicoach


I adhere to the Ethical Code of the International Coach Federation (ICF).